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Showing posts from March, 2018

Childhood Obesity Epidemic

We often see new studies emerging with the latest research on the childhood obesity epidemic. See here for the latest . For some it's a matter of kids being less active, both at school and at home. In a never-ending search to make our kids smarter and more productive (3K, really?) the core standards of curriculum for students K-12 help to develop the requirements which all students must meet to pass grade levels and tests. However, the sacrifice for more academic time is met through cutting the arts (visual, performance, technical) and reduced recess and physical education time. My Kindergarten and 1st grade children have gym class once per week and 2 recess times per day (one immediately after lunch, the other either mid-morning or mid-afternoon), which may be taken away to punish them for poor classroom behavior. Continuing on, the first thing many children will do after school is grab a snack and sit on the couch for several hours watching television before having to address

Know Your Expert

Hello all, I had another topic for my blog this week, but I have been sidetracked with a number of discussions from curious clients, patients, coworkers, and friends about how to tell the difference between all the nutrition information out there and who to trust. This is a very tricky task, especially to the "untrained" eye of the public consumer just looking for a few helpful tricks to lose weight or feel healthier. Here are a few things to watch out for and consider. First of all, there are 3 types of professionals in the field of nutrition. The most highly trained and well versed are Registered Dietitians, who must complete a Bachelors degree at an accredited university (found here ), then complete a 1200 hour internship in the areas of food service management, community nutrition, and clinical nutrition. After that they much pass a national registration exam and maintain accreditation by completing 75 hour of continuing education every 5 years. There are additional s